Rock Canyon
A GREEN link means that there are adult and kid climbs in that area. Click on it for more information so you can know if it will work for your family. A YELLOW link means there are no kid climbs but you can bring the family along as you climb. The areas are then rated from 1-5 cheerios (1 being the worst area to take your family and 5 being the best). A RED link means that it is essentially a no go. Click and find out the reasons why so you can make your own decision.
What You Should Know
Rock Canyon is a super popular hiking and climbing area in Utah County, probably because of its proximity to BYU. It has hundreds of sport routes, including one of the longest in the country (22 pitches), Squaw Struck (yep, we did this one. One of my prouder moments…). Again, its not the best area for kids because of the approach but if you want to go there then check out the areas below.
The Appendage
Closer but still a hike and the routes are short.
The Wild
Perfect area for kids but SUCH a long hike.
The Jobsite 
The approach is on the better side in Rock Canyon and it has a large variety of climbs for everyone, including an awesome 5.4 for tinies.
The Kitchen
This is one of the more popular crags in the canyon, mainly due to its easy access considering its right on the main trail.
P.A.’s Mother
Very steep scree approach that you would have a really hard time getting a kid up and not much area up there for them to move around.
Tinker Toys
I wouldn’t recommend this area if your kids are young. Its a steep and slipper scree approach with a slanted landing. Your kids aren’t going to be able to move around and there wouldn’t be a place to lay down a baby in a tent/cot.
Red Slab
Its a scree approach with a small scramble that is easy for adults but not for young kids. The scree step landing also isn’t great for kids but you might be able to set up a little baby tent depending on the route. Your choice.
Additional Family Activities
Geology Lesson
You can use the information provided here to give your kids a fun lesson on the geology and history of the canyon.
I have often seen bighorn sheep or deer here, even accidentally got just about three feet away from one, which can be a lot of fun for your kids to see. They are always near the mouth of the canyon not father up so if you are passing the Green Gate on the dirt road/trail and no longer on the pavement then you’ve gone too far.
There is a very small cave that little kids will enjoy seeing near the mouth of the canyon. Its near the Job Site. Take the trail that goes left just after you get on the main trail. You’ll see it after walking a few minutes. If you went right then ou can cross the dry river bed to get there. You’ll see it from over the as well. Its pretty obvious and easy to get to.
Base Jumping
So this isn’t a family activity but watching it is. I’ve watched or heard (while climbing) a base jumper in the canyon quite a few times. It can be super cool to see.
Slack lining
Again this isn’t a family activity but if you are lucky enough to watch it, I’ve only seen it once or twice, it can be very entertaining. Some group will set up a slack line a few hundred feet in the are on the south side of the canyon that you can see from mouth of the canyon.