Ferguson Canyon
A GREEN link means that there are adult and kid climbs in that area. Click on it for more information so you can know if it will work for your family. A YELLOW link means there are no kid climbs but you can bring the family along as you climb. The areas are then rated from 1-5 cheerios (1 being the worst area to take your family and 5 being the best). A RED link means that it is essentially a no go. Click and find out the reasons why so you can make your own decision.
What You Should Know
Ferguson Canyon is located right south of Big Cottonwood Canyon and has limited parking.
The Watchtower Buttress
An awesome area for you to climb where your kids can enjoy fun in water.
The Cathedral
Another great area super close to the Watch Tower and very similar.
Goldfingers Wall 
About 200 feet up canyon from the Cathedral (so your looking at a 30 minute + approach which is not ideal with kiddos). It has a pretty flat landing and no water.
Tower of Babel
The approach is a steep gulch with lots of rock that would be really difficult with young kids.
Animation, Punck Rock, The Cove, Gallant Wall, Duomo Wall, and Grayo.
Not easily accessible. Steep, major scrambling and slick.
Eldorado and Space Station
Some major scrambling and steep hill.