JCHOB Wall is almost exclusively Trad.
There are two options in getting there. One is known as “death scree” and would not be recommended with children.
The other approach is at the turnout with the sign ‘Remnants of the Sea’. (You can use Mountain Project or A Flacon Guide: Rock Climbing the Wasatch Range pg. 48 to help you get there.)
There can be loose rock in this area, especially off route! Helmets are highly recommended for everyone and this might also make you not want to take your kids there.
The routes are almost exclusively Trad routes.
While there is a 5.5, it is not recommended by the Guidebook, leaving only a few 5.6s and 5.7s that your children could try once you set up the anchor.
The approach is 5 to 10 minutes and possible for young kids as long as you avoid the ‘death scree’.
The landing is not slanted but unleveled. Its not too bad depending on the age of your kids and whether or not they are in a carrier or something of the sort. It is also unleveled with some rocks and sticks. The area does get steep pretty quick so there isn’t a lot of room for them to run around and play.